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Small Groups, Stations, and Writing Conferencing Online Course!
Introduction/Welcome - Start here!
Welcome, Reflection, and Benefits of Small Groups (5:22)
Small Groups & Stations
Lesson 1: Classroom Management & Logistics (29:19)
Lesson 2: Planning Station Content & Differentiation (28:33)
Lesson 3: Leveling & Creating Small Groups Based on Data (19:51)
Lesson 4: Planning Small Group Instruction Based on Data (33:59)
Writing Conferencing
Lesson 1: Reflections - Celebrations and Challenges (4:06)
Lesson 2: Importance of Modeling, Conferencing & Practicing with Feedback (10:39)
Lesson 3: TEA Rubric, Scoring Cheat Sheet, and Conferencing Topics (11:13)
Lesson 4: Benefits of Conferencing & Best Practices - deep dive into conferencing! (20:03)
Lesson 5: Types of Conferencing (8:22)
Lesson 6: Conferencing Videos & Conferencing Questions (12:59)
Lesson 7: Step-by-Step ECR Lesson (12:25)
Lesson 8: Glows & Grows & Feedback Survey (17:33)
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Welcome, Reflection, and Benefits of Small Groups
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